Welcome to Smile Hartford blog

We as an Art of Living group, conduct various programs across Greater Hartford area to help people for relieving their stress with breathing techniques. Doesn’t this sounds to be simple, yes it is.

Breath for yourself and get relieved from the stress and feel great.

The Art of Living Foundation was inspired by the programs of spiritual leader and humanitarian His Holiness Sri Sri Ravi Shankar that began in 1982. Accredited as a United Nations Non-Governmental organization in 1996, it is now one of the UN’s largest volunteer-based NGOs.

The Art of Living Foundation has customized programs for various sections of society with a common emphasis on nurturing human values common to all cultures, religions and traditions such as:

* non-violence,
* compassion,
* caring for the planet,
* enthusiasm for life
* an attitude of service toward others

Programs for Every Age

Art Excel (All Round Training In Excellence) ages 8yrs-13yrs
Presented in a practical and fun framework that appeals to youth of all ethnic, racial and religious backgrounds, ART Excel offers an enlightening approach that awakens youth to their deepest potential and life’s higher values.

YES! for Teens (Youth Empowerment Seminar) ages 14yrs-17yrs
Both fun and challenging, this 18 hour seminar provides teens with a comprehensive toolbox to both manage their own emotions and stress, as well as dynamically navigate through adolescence.

YES!+ for College Students (Yoga Empowerment Service Plus) ages 18-30yrs
YES!+ is an innovative and dynamic educational and life skills program that provides college students and young professionals the tools to achieve their ideal life with ease, creativity, energy, and without inhibitions.

Art of Living Course – ages 18+yrs
The Art of Living Course gives participants the practical knowledge and techniques to unlock their deepest potential and bring fullness to life. Every participant is cared for and comes away lighter, with effective techniques for releasing mental and physical stress and increasing his or her health, energy, peace, self-knowledge, awareness, and joy.

Watch VP Joe Biden speak about Art of Living’s stress-free, violence-free society initiative:

Do we lose our smiles over emotions and thoughts that control us?
Neither at home nor at school have we learned how to handle our thoughts and emotions such as anger, anxiety and fear. Millions of people across the world have done the YES+ workshop, and not one person has gone home unhappy!